Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Weight Struggle 10-20-2010

So this morning I wake up to my toddler telling me that he did a number 2 in his pants. What a thing to wake up to! So I change him and get him dressed for the day. Then I change my daughter's diaper and put her into clothes for the day. I put the dog out and get breakfast for the kids. Normal routine. 
I then start thinking about loosing weight. I admit it has been on my mind a lot lately. I had a wake up call whenever I went shopping last weekend and discovered I am no longer a size 12 but a size 16! For me, this is a huge difference from what I weighed 4 years ago, size 22w then. So I get a fairly rude comment to top it off from a person who I love and it gets me thinking more and more about my weight. My mom lost her weight whenever my step-father left her for another woman. She lived on one cracker a meal and water. She did this for a little over a month and lost her weight. So I thought that this should be the way that I would loose my weight. I get on Facebook and post in my notes about my idea for loosing my weight and all my friends convince me that it's not the safest way to go. Now I am stumped.
So I move on with my day and kinda let that in the back of my mind. I decide to mow the grass to get all the leaves up. Afterwards, I take a shower and who shall fall into the shower with me, than my daughter. LOL! She cries and cries while I get her undressed. I bathe her and finish myself. Meanwhile, my son is begging to take a shower also. LOL! So after I get out and get my daughter dressed, I allow my son to take a shower too. Not with me though. He loves it when I allow him to shower because he can control how much water is hitting him. By 7:30 we are showered and my son goes to bed and a half hour later, my daughter joins the slumber world. I love when they go to bed early, ME TIME!

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